School License Pricing Plans


Basic Plan


per building per year

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Premium Plan


per year

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Access to 40,000+ printable worksheets
(Math, ELA, Science, and Social Studies)
Answer keys
Monochrome and color print options
1500+ Online Math and ELA worksheets Free for a limited period*
Number of teachers Unlimited teachers within a building 15 teachers included
(Extra teachers can be added in multiples of 5.)
Extra teacher bundles Not applicable 5-teacher bundle for $50
(up to 60% discount)
Exclusive school admin login
Exclusive teacher login
Multi teacher account
Exclusive child login
Generate randomized questions Free for a limited period*
Preview and assign worksheets Universal link with no progress tracking* Exclusive link with progress tracking
Create and manage groups
Add children
Generate and share unique passcodes
Track progress
24/7 Email assistance